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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Thoughts : ‘Technology Revolution’ and us

14 July 20098 Comments

Every Friday night our family goes to a church fellowship together, and what was delivered last Friday in particular reminded me of so many relevant things. And I feel I need to share them with you too.

[I know I won’t be able to share ‘everything’ in detail, so I’d just share a few points with you today]

It’s about juggling work and leisure in life, and the common problems that are associated with them.

And today, I’ll share with you more on the impact of today’s Technology Revolution in our lives.

– Technology is supposed to help get things done faster, but whether we realise it or not, today’s technology tends to cause us to feel more ‘rushed’ every day.

– Today’s technology also changes family’s lifestyle, as work and other things tend to ‘invade’ our home too. In the days when there are no mobile phones, blackberry, or ‘internet-on-the-go’, when people leave their office, the works were left behind.

Nowadays, people tend to check on their work (and others like, their emails, facebook, and twitter) wherever, whenever. People get absorbed in front of the computer and in what they have in their hands, when they’re supposed to be spending time with their family, eg.

– Technology is supposed to ‘save’ us time because it helps in getting things done faster. But the reality is, it is now more ‘time consuming’ when it comes to our interaction with ‘technology’. Because we’re somewhat unconsciously ‘inclined’ to spend ‘more’ time with it.

A quick check would be, to ask ourselves these questions:

How much time do we spend on our mobile phones, blackberry, and the computer each day? (our television included).

Has it changed and affected our family lifestyle? In a good way or in a negative way?

Have we spent MORE time with the technology we have than with others, like our friends, family and kids?

As I heard these points being elaborated and discussed, I feel as if these reminders were meant FOR me.

And I tell myself, I must always bear these in mind whenever I go about doing my day to day things.

Because I know, technology can work to our advantage, but it can also ruin and takes us away from what’s actually MORE important in our life.

God, help me.


  • Leonny says:

    Sandra :

    My hubby and I do remind each other … I think living at this day and age, we all need these reminders ya … because it’s just so easy for us (for me at least) to fall into the trap of being ‘glued’ to the ‘technology’


    Jen :

    Yes, I agree with you completely!

    I tell (and constantly need to remind) myself to make use of technology to our advantage and not to take important things away from me …

  • Jen says:

    Hi Leonny,

    I agree w/ you 110% We’re so ‘connected’ with technology (iPhone, DS, plasma tvs, PCs) and virtual friends, and we are getting more ‘disconnected’ with REAL people. Instead of chatting with our family members, we ‘chat’ with cyber people or text so-called friends.

    Technology has advantages but it’s crept into our lives too much now. Wish life was a lot simpler again.


  • Sandra says:

    Hear!Hear! i completely agree & try my best to limit myself with technology – now if i can only get hubby to do the same – sigh! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Leonny says:

    Nancy :

    gua reply dlm bhs inggris ya … krn komen lu insightful nih, good bs dibaca yang bukan indo juga ๐Ÿ™‚

    At one seminar by Ko Cipto, he also mentioned about that … how it is a growing trend amongst western moms (eg. in australia), ie. moms choose to stay at home to raise their kids. It’s interesting to hear how back in the 50s- 60s many in the west chose to pursue their career, and after many years, they witness the ‘impact’ of their choice, and sadly it generally tends to be more negative than positive. and that’s why in the 21st century, they start going back to be an involved fulltime parent.

    and yup, just as you said, Ko Cipto also mentioned how in asia (including indonesia), there’s a growing trend of the ‘opposite’. in the 50s-60s, they were there with the kids fulltime raising them and instilling values to the younger generation, but in the 21st century, more women chose career over family, and tend to be more relaxed when it comes to the importance of bonding with their kids and instilling values etc.

    Every family’s need is unique I think, and they have their own situations that we can’t quite understand. In the end, it’s about knowing what’s right and what’s best for their own family, while remembering what’s ‘truly important’ for the children.

    Franky :

    hey there .. thanks for the book reference!! appreciate you sharing it …

    Wilson :

    yup .. totally with you on this

    asianmommy :

    i think many many of us feel the same way as you. that’s why I know I must share these reminders to everyone. I myself need to keep these points in mind all the time too!

  • Asianmommy says:

    Good point! I feel like technology has eaten up half my life. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Wilson says:

    Hope many will realise this since the popularity of BB (Blackberry) in Indo is greatly utilised by having Facebook, Twitter in their hands. Taking more times (read: additional) on top of the current electronic devices as means to “connect” with friends. The paradox of having more friends than actually knowing them personally (with little circle). You will see people easily join support groups in FB, but who will actually participate is questionable.

  • Franky says:

    Jie Leonny,there’s a good book regarding this matter,viewed from Christian perspective. It is titled “Habits of The High-Tech Heart” by Quentin J. Schultze, published by Baker Print-On-Demand. Hopefully you can find and read this insightful book.

  • Nancy says:

    I do agree..n technology can make our kids ‘growing too fast’ (in negative ways). Dan yg interesting adalah..di negara western spt di aussie ini gw banyak melihat malah justru orang2 western mereka lebih concern terhadap family time, dan gw denger dari pdt Cipto beliau mentioned bahwa justru di western country skrg ini para istri kembali as stay at home mom krn mereka menyadari ada generasi yg hilang, anak2 yg rusak moralnya dll. Gw jg lihat secara langsung beberapa keluarga Kristen temen2 Hans disekolah, mereka sangat ketat membatasi anak2 mereka terhadap pemakain teknologi spt TV, games, computer etc…dan bahkan sepertinya anak2 mereka ‘terbelakang dlm hal teknologi’..justru malah orang asia nya malah kebalikan:)

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