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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Parenting Tips and Thoughts : Acknowledging Milestones

23 April 20094 Comments

Every child goes through developmental milestones. Big and small. And it’s good if they know that we are happy with their developments and that we ‘celebrate’ their milestones.

‘Celebration’ can simply be an action that shows happiness and appreciation of the child’s efforts and accomplishments.

It can be in a form of a smile, a kiss, a nod, a hug, a compliment.

And the way I see things, a child is generally happy when we’re happy with them. When we appreciate their efforts. When we put aside extra time to acknowledge what they’ve accomplished (read : a child is not naturally driven to always gain ‘material rewards’ from us, UNLESS they’ve been brought up that way in the family!)

For Anya and Vai’s case, they know that I often take photos of them and their work.

It’s one of my ways of appreciating (and remembering) their effort, and of ‘preserving’ valuable moments and milestones.

Also. I think it’s just not practical to keep ‘everything’ (ie. physical keepsakes) at home.

Like that little piece of paper above. That’s Anya’s very first ‘english essay’. Hehe.

Anya just turned 5yo at the time, and we’re at a friend’s place. I was happily chatting away with my friends while Anya was on the floor with her pen and paper.

And at the time, she occasionally went, ‘Mommy, … how do you spell ‘people’?’, or ‘How do you spell ‘because’?’

I spelled the words out to her, assuming that she was scribbling those alphabets on her paper. I never thought she was actually writing a ‘story’.

This was what she wrote :

“One day the fat people very sad. Why. Because he do’t have money. Juse a little bit of money. But there a queen named Flora.”


She didn’t get to finish her story because we had to go home.

Hmm. Perhaps, Queen Flora then helped all these sad people who had a little bit of money?


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