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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Diamonds for my 5yo girl

17 April 20096 Comments

The other day Anya came up to me and asked, ‘Mommy, can I keep some diamonds?’

And I was like, ‘Why would you want to have diamonds?’

‘My friends at school have diamonds, and I’d like to have some too’, she said.

‘I don’t think children your age need diamonds, Anya. Even adults, many of them don’t have diamonds at all.’

Anya went on with her plea and said, ‘But I REALLY need some, Mommy. For my crown.’


So she’s referring to ‘diamonds’. Not quite the kind I had in mind.
(Gee. We adults tend to interpret our kids’ simple requests too seriously at times, don’t we?)

And so I went to the kitchen, grabbed our nearly-finished cereals, poured out the remaining into a container and rinsed the silver foil.

I then used the clean (and dry) foil, and cut out diamond shapes for her.
(note: would’ve used aluminium foil instead if we had some at home)

So there you go. Diamonds for my little girl.

And Anya,well … she wanted to keep her ‘design’ simple, and she was very happy with her diamond-crested golden crown!


  • Leonny says:

    Astrid :

    Thank you ie ie … 🙂


    In-In :

    … who does her best in fulfilling her Creator’s will too, I hope.


    Hann’s Mummy:

    After I read your comment on ‘rhombus’, I told the kids how diamonds are also called rhombus 🙂

    At first they don’t get it haha. They were like, ‘Why?’ and I had to explain how calling something as ‘diamond-shaped’ is just like saying something is ‘egg-shaped’ 🙂 But we call it ‘oval’, not ‘egg’ 🙂

    In the end they get it 🙂

    And so now my kids know what ‘rhombus’ is 🙂
    (thanks to you for the reminder!)



    Thanks for dropping by and leaving your comments! 🙂


    Emma :

    Ah, tante bisa ajah … 🙂 Makasih ya …

  • emma says:

    anya tambah cantik ya makin gede….

  • doctoradhi says:

    ohh, what a cute and funny story.. (I love this blog!)
    @ Hann’s Mummy : maybe sometimes it’s easier for kids to memorize “diamond-shape” rather than “rhombus” hehehe..

  • Hann's Mummy says:

    very nice!

    Hann oso calls them diamonds.

    as a Math Educator, I’ve been wondering, why can’t the pre-school teachers teach the children that this shape is a rhombus, as they would a square, rectangle, oval, etc.

    Our secondary school kids are fearful of the shape “rhombus” when they actually knew this shape since they were 3 years old.

    now I wonder if I should tell Hann that it’s a rhombus.

    any comments, parents?

  • in-in says:

    and pretty sure she will grow up with a princess’s heart one day 🙂

  • astrid says:

    Waaahhh Anya rambutnya uda panjang… She’s such a pretty little princess!

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