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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Kangoo Jumps at Big Splash, East Coast Park

5 December 20088 Comments

We checked out Playground @ Big Splash – East Coast Park – last weekend. For the first time.

And we loved the place.

The kids had some sandplay fun along the beach, daddies chit-chatted, and the mommies … well, we went for a quick exercise and checked out Kangoo Jumps!

You see, Nuffnang – a blog advertising community – on behalf of the Singapore Sports Council has invited me to join other female bloggers and check out this relatively new sport called ‘Kangoo Jumps‘!

It’s part of the Sports Council’s 3-month long campaign to promote active lifestyle amongst women! Especially amongst moms who often find it hard to actually set aside some time and exercise! (errr, … like me!)

A little disclaimer if I may: as much as it may seem rather hard to believe, I USED TO be sporty! Ya ya ya, even I find it a bit hard to believe! I feel so uncoordinated and unfit now!

After quite a bit of snowboarding and falling on my knees some seven years ago, my knee caps went bad and doctors told me to stay away from sports or activities that can put a strain on my legs! Rollerblading, tennis, badminton, running up and down the stairs. They’re out of the question. Something like swimming is good though.

Did try ‘ignoring’ the advice, and went rollerblading with Wilson at East Coast Park. I only went for fifteen minutes while he continued on, AND my knees were painful for a few days afterwards. Gee, I felt like my legs are rusting away. And I’m not even thirty five!

Anyway, getting back to Kangoo Jumps.

I could bring a friend along, and so there we were, together with a few other ladies, putting on the springy sports shoes under the glary afternoon sun, and went bouncing away!

And hey, it was fun!

After some thirty minutes or so, we had to excuse ourselves and miss out on the rest of the programme though because we had to go somewhere else, AND I didn’t want to risk having a bad knee pain.

But you know what, my knees were completely alright! For days afterwards. DESPITE all that jumping and hopping.

Apparently it’s because Kangoo Jumps reduces the impact by up to 80%, making the sports really good for those with bad knees, like me!


Now that I’ve found a sport that will surely be safe for my injured knees, the big question is, will I start exercising (read: Kangoo-Jumping) regularly?

Of course the answer is not as straight forward as I’d like it to be.

But it sure is a good food for thought for me.

To find out more about the activities available for us women right from now till January 2009 (at special rates!), please visit


  • Leonny says:

    Hi Dhillon!

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!

    Yup they’re back! I really was amazed that I had no problems with my knees AFTER the session!

    Have fun!

  • dhillon says:

    Wow!.. This kangoo jump is back.. After reading your article, now I have urge to do it at least once in my life.. It really doesn’t matter if there is unavailability of public transport..

  • Samantha says:

    I agree – this place is nice but without public transport like bus to bring us there. I am not keen to go since we don’t own a car:p Since this write-up, do trigger me to go there for a try. Perharps will go there after I give birth next year;)

  • Leonny says:


    Ya ya … we had to take a taxi there! Too bad the place is not that ‘public transport friendly’, because the area is actually very very nice … Would’ve been visited by people more frequently if it’s more easily accessed, I guess huh ?

  • Samantha says:

    Will try Kangoo jump after my delivery. Most probably is June 09:p Meanwhile how you get there as the location is not Public transport convenient:p

  • Leonny says:


    It’s like jumping on a trampoline! 🙂 As long as we don’t lean forward or lean backwards with our shoes, we’re fine (ie. balanced).

    After a while I think we ‘should’ get the hang of it’ 🙂



    Oh so they were around some 10 years ago?? Frankly I’ve never heard of it till I got the invitation to try them out!

    And yes, I had fun! Love the fact that I got to sweat it out WITHOUT the knee pain!

  • Cynthia says:

    Omg! The kangoo jump is back again? I was working as the promoter for this product more than 10yrs ago (during my poly days) and the product didn’t take off.

    It feels so good to see the return of kangoo jump bcos its actually pretty fun! I’m sure you had fun, didn’t u? 🙂

  • Siska says:

    sepatunya bisa boing2 sendiri ato kita jg kudu lompat. kudu punya good balance ga yah pake sepatu ginian? balancing gw parah banget, makanya ga akan pernah liat gw naik sepeda ato sepatu roda, hehehe

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