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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Kids and their watercolour sessions

6 November 20083 Comments

When we have a good one hour or so to spend, we sometimes go for a session of watercolour fun.

And here are just a few tips I’d like to share when it comes to our watercolour time:

– Cover the table with layers of newspaper for easier clean-up afterwards, and tape a few corners of it to the table too (so it doesn’t move much)

– To protect the kids’ clothes, consider letting them wear an arts and crafts apron or your old (small) t-shirt to wear over their own clothes.

[During this particular session, Anya strongly insisted on wearing the orange apron, and so Vai wore his sister’s checkered arts and craft apron instead! For our next sessions, I let Vai wear a small old tee shirt of mine instead]

– It’d be nice if each kid has his own drawing book. Anya and Vai usually will draw on their own books, but at times they’ll draw and scribble on any scrap paper and our old newspaper too.

– Other than the paint brush, do let them try and use other things to ‘paint’ and ‘stamp’.

Just to name a few:
> toothbrushes
> toilet rolls
> sponges (ie. your old dish-washing sponge can be useful here)
> potatoes (slice, carve, make patterns and let the kids use it to stamp coloured patterns onto the paper)
> their own hands and feet!

– For smaller kids, watercolour sessions allow them to learn names of colours too.  For preschoolers, they can learn what secondary colours are at the same time! From this session, Anya learned – and still remembers it today – how to create the colour purple by mixing the colour blue and red!


Enjoy your watercolour fun session with your little ones, everyone!

If you have other tips on watercolour sessions with kids, please do share in the comments section ya.


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