Siblings Moment : Growing up too fast
Goodness. I look at this photo and feel my two kids are growing up too fast!
And emm, is it just me or they both do look sort of similar in this photo?
I stood outside of the Singapore Expo building when I took this shot, while they stayed indoors. Hence, the faint ‘floor’ reflection on their faces.
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I guess it’s the same pneumococcal jab. Just a different ‘term’ may be ?
wah untung lu tulis kepanjangannya IPD. gw pikir apa tuh IPD kok ga prnh denger. mgkn gw-nya aja kali yg ga ngeh soal gituan. itu sama ga sih sama pneumococcal 1,2 dan 3? gw baru cek buku child health-nya JL. dia dpt itu 3 suntikan pas umur 2, 4 dan 6 bulan respectively…
Thanks for the article 😀
Siska :
Iya .. thought so too! 🙂
Hi! And thanks for reading the site and dropping a comment! (future ones are always welcome too!)
As for IPD (Invasive Pneumococcal Disease), both Anya and Vai are yet to get the jab. It’s optional in Singapore, but the government here encourages parents to get their kids vaccinated.
Here’s an article on it :
Hi Leonny. I’m Visca and have been reading your blog for a while. I found it very motivating, informative, & helpful.
Anya and Vai are very cute and great kids. I, myself, have a two-year-old son, named Russell.
Just out of my curiousity, were both of them given IPD vaccination ? Is it “a must” in Singapore (I know it is in USA)? I’ve been struggling whether to give Russell one, as you might be aware that it is just optional in Indo.
ya, mata dan idungnya sama banget disini