My daddy, my guide
As much as a mommy is a child’s primary caregiver, I feel the presence of a daddy who plays an active role in the upbringing of a child is equally important.
Daddy brings balance to a child’s life.
And though he may not be around the child as much due to work commitments, any time spent together needs to be a time to bond.
And, such an involvement needs to start from day one.
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Matt … it’s been the case since some twenty years ago hehe … If you can ‘get results’ for him … I’ll give you FOUR thumbs up!
Wilson, u need more fats! but dun worry, our morning BF will show the result in 6mths time!
It’s always heart-warming to hear about daddies who are actively involved in raising the kids, just like yours! I’m sure Val tresures her daddy a lot too!
Nic :
Hey thanks! 🙂
Didn’t quite notice the ‘back’ and ‘stride’ until you brought it up! Hehe! And now that you’ve mentioned … yes yes they’re kind of alike in this shot! (the same black tops support the ‘scene’ too, I guess)
Very nicely composed pic 🙂 Even their backs looked the same! And the way they forward their foot, though on different side, somehow seemed similar on the stride! Ha! Obviously they are daddy and son!
I agree completely. Gabriel is like the strict one when it comes to val and her nonsense. He bath her ,feed her and help change diaper when i am really tired. Really a messenger send from god.
Oh, thanks for the wishes, it was really a fruitful trip.