Marriage : staying together, staying happy
My grandmother got married in mainland China when she was sixteen years old. No it wasn’t pre-arranged by their parents, and yes it was based on love.
That was in 1941.
Then 60 years later, in 2001, I got married.
My grandparents thought it was fun to get all dressed up again for their diamond anniversary. And so that’s us in 2001. The year when I got married and my grandparents had their SIXTIETH wedding anniversary. We had our photo shoot together that day. (I still remember how my grandpa made silly jokes about my grandma and her ‘wedding dress’, hehe).
[She was 76 years old then, and gee, if only I could still look half as good at that age!]
This year they’ve been married for SIXTY SEVEN years. They still travel everywhere together visiting their children and other family members around the world (they’re in fact in Perth right now!).
And the way I see things, just like any other married couples, they may have gone through many rocky times during their years together, and they may have been mad with each other countless times, but they manage to go through it all. They stay together, and I know they’re happy together.
As for Wilson and I, we know we still have a really long way to go together as husband and wife. Many things that perhaps are beyond what we could ever imagine can come our way.
But one thing I know is for sure, if BOTH parties give their very best in keeping their relationship strong and alive, they both can face anything.
When faced with life’s many struggles, they’ll probably even tumble and fall along the way, but they’ll help each other, get up and walk again. Together.
To my grandpa who’s having his 88th birthday celebrated today : Happy Birthday! Wishing you many years of happiness and good health always!
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Sandra :
Thanks ๐
It sure is amazing to see my own grandparents stay together for a good 67 years so far! I mean, if I had been married for 67 years, I’d be … errr … 92yo!!
Sekarang Popo udah umur 80an .. udah keliatan lebih tua lagi tentunya. Tapi emang sih, mereka berdua termasuk awet muda. Udah deket ke umur 90 padahal!
Wow..your gradma is really amazing..gila ya, ngga kelihatan tua sama sekali. Badannya juga kok kayaknya tdk ada kerutannya sih? Masih kayak badan anak muda aja..betul2 salut deh. Boleh tuh tanya perawatan & resep awet mudanya gimana..jadi kita2 bisa ikutin nih..mungkin krn mrk enjoy their marriage life very much jadi bawaannya happy terus makanya it shows on their face also yah..
2x very beautiful brides ๐
It’s such a lovely idea to be able to celebrate these 2x special days together & such an inspiration for you & Wilson.
Nic :
Hehe … THANKS for the compliment!
Thanks!!! ๐ Iya .. grandma gua awet muda … When I was a small girl, I used to imagine myself dressing up and looking like my grandma when I myself am a grandma later ๐
Kalo sampe masih dikasih Tuhan hidup lebih dari umur 70 mah, gua jg udah ga pusing lah tampang gua ky apa ntar ๐
waduh, cantik amat lu pake make up, sampe pangling. apalagi wilson pas hari itu yah, hehehe…. grandma lu jg awet muda. tenang aja, Le… gw rasa ntar klu lu seumur grandma lu jg msh cakep.
Hey you looked resplendent as a bride! ๐