We had a great day out today!
We went out for lunch (as there were no high chairs, I stacked 2 chairs together so they can at least reach their bowls), visited the library, spent a good hour or so there, borrowed some books and headed back home by bus.

At the library, as expected Vai picked up some children books, sat and went through them one by one, then went on and explored the library barefooted, pushed the little chairs around, sat down to read some more books with me and Anya, then went and explored the area again.
[Anya as always is very happy whenever we visit the library. She’d sit and flip through her books quietly throughout our stay there]

Overall the kids behaved relatively well, I think!
And Vai dozed off on our way back home *smile*

From what I’ve seen and experienced so far, … I do encounter people who give their seats for me and the kids. I guess, 60% of the time ?
Some people sadly would look at me (&the kids) and look away, and somehow I think some of them are genuinely not aware that they’re SUPPOSED to give their seats to someone else who need their seats MORE than they do …
I ever stood on the train for 30mins, with Vai sleeping in my sling and Anya on the pram …
But then again … it’ll take time to change the society’s mindset, I guess …
Hi Grace!
Thanks for your encouraging note! ๐
Yes we moms go through similar struggles I’m sure … that’s why while I share my ups and downs here in my blog, I always welcome (and look forward to) sharings from other moms …
In this way, we can support one another … though worlds apart ๐
Keep in touch!
Hi there! I’ve chanced upon your website and have been encouraged by how you are bringing up your kids! I am also a SAHM, albeit a rather new one and sometimes face similar struggles that you’ve mentioned in your previous posts. But i thank God that He is always good and gives us the strength to persevere on.
Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Yeah! I agree that Singapore still need a long way to be like Japan to have that kind of considerate level. Everyday ungraceful people will make you annoy. Got to write, I think it will be a book already. Trust me! Everyday is all kinds of things happen in the public transport:(
hmm…. then i suppose the bus and tram drivers (even passengers) here are a lot nicer from all the stories I heard about S’porean. My currently pregnant friend who works as an expart in Sgp said she couldn’t believe that nobody gave their seat to her or children or old people or anybody else who obviously need the seat more. How to change people’s attitude in this. why most singaporean are not very sensitive towards people’s need. is it the culture of kiasuness?
Yes! Got a few time bus driver just drive off even though they knew we’re rushing to catch the bus. Or every unhappy drivers – give that “Don’t come & give me trouble” look. Always feel annoy because fares are keep increasing and why need to get this kind of attitude. As if I own them money *blah* I think 10 trips, I only meet 1 or 2 nice driver, the rest sad to say – cannot make it! How’s the sandplay today?
Hello long time friend! ๐
Great to hear from you! And I just saw the pics you sent to Wilson! Wow … how the kids have grown! So cute too! ๐
Hope we can catch up in person sometime soon ya …
And pls do say HI to Jenny and the kids from us!
Keep in touch!
Samantha :
Yes, that’s the tough part about bus trips in SG.
I don’t mind going up and down the entrance and exit steps actually. But yes, it’d be a nicer journey for moms with kids if drivers:
– don’t drive off when they already see me rushing to catch the bus
– don’t go off at top speed as they leave the bus stop (while we’re all STILL on the aisle trying to find seats or a space to stand)
– don’t frown and give ‘I’m not too happy’ looks when they see me boarding the bus with Anya and a stroller
– don’t close the door WHILE we’re still getting down from the bus (yes, I’ve been squashed by the door a few times!)
Oh well. It’s not always bad though, right ?
I’ve met the sweetest and most polite and helpful bus drivers too (though yes, there aren’t that many I’ve encountered so far).
Bus drivers do have their bad days too I’m sure, so I’d just not think about the ‘unfriendly’ service too much, and usually Anya will wave and say thanks to the driver after we’ve gotten off.
We never know, perhaps her little gesture of appreciation will make their day ?
Siska :
Thing is, THAT’s his version of ‘smile to the camera’ when he poses for photos these days! Half smiling, half cringing, with all his eyes gone … hmm … yet to find out if we can ever make him smile ‘properly’ ๐
Oh yes! I agree the bus model & service in Singapore is sucks. They are nice & sweet driver but is rare to meet. I always meet driver just drive the bus off without letting me settle down in the seat while carrying Cayden. Imagine what if both of us fall down, who bear the responsibility? Or drivers trying to be F1 drivero.O If not, sometimes board the bus is not disabled friendly, need to carry the pram step by step up. Sigh…
vai tampangnya lucu pas lagi lunch, hehehe. pas banget kejepret sama kamera
Hi Guys,
long time no see, I didnt see this coming from Leonny :)…. very well organized… Great to see you guys doin great.. Keep in touch and God Bless you and family…
Joe and Family
Pat :
The more troublesome part was when I had to fold the stroller after we boarded the bus coz Vai’s asleep already at the time. This bus doesn’t have any ‘space’ to park prams … hm, never really like this bus type ๐
wow, it’s not easy but u managed well.