Sunday’s Food for Thought – Breaking free
As the highest level of created beings, we are ‘given’ a conscience, morality, a longing (to find the truth and purpose in life and in everything that happens in our lives) amongst many other attributes.
We are high morale beings who know what is right and what is wrong.
The problem is, after humans fell into sin, the things that we know as ‘good’ tend to remain as ‘ideals’ in our head, and we have this strong urge and tendency to do what we know as wrong (and even after we ‘regret’ our actions afterwards, we tend to repeat the same mistakes again and again).
It really is like we’re bound by our own sinful nature, and we’re not able to break free. It’s a constant struggle in the inside of every one of us.
Religions around the world teach us what is good, the good things we should do to ourselves and to others, the things that we should do in order to be a better person, a better being.
BUT unfortunately religions cannot fix our sinful nature.
This is why Jesus Christ came to find us, to give us hope, strength and life, and to redeem and break us free from our sinful being.
So that although we constantly face struggles between what we know is right and wrong (throughout our lives), we who trust and believe in HIM will have the strength to fight through it and do what’s right!
Let’s trust and hold on to HIM who can give you strength, hope and life.
Sunday’s Food for Thought posts are mostly inspired by sermons delivered every Sunday at our church.