The reality of having two children
A year ago, this is how I looked like.
Very pregnant. Couldn’t really see my feet. Couldn’t bend down without feeling like I was about to gag or something. Couldn’t sleep well. Ate a lot and yet I felt good about it (since it’s FOR the baby too! Ha!)
I still remember how I wondered if I could handle everything without any help from a fulltime maid or anyone from our family.
I wondered if I would manage to do anything else other than caring for the two kids.
I wondered if later on everything is going to be ‘normal’. You know, … like how it was before.
And now that one whole year has passed, I look back and frankly am amazed at how I’ve somehow survived it all. Until today.
Yes there are SO many moments of joy and laughters with the kids. But there are also many physical, mental, spiritual and emotional challenges (among many others!) we parents face each day.
Each and every one is tough. Realistically.
And really, I just have to say that I sure am not able to go through any single day in the past year if it’s not because of God’s strength, grace and mercy.
And looking ahead, I realise how the days will get tougher too.
The kids will grow, become more independent and adopt lots of stuff from their friends and surroundings. Both good and bad. And raising these little ones in the right way will be a real challenge.
Well anyway. At least I know I can always put my hope and trust in God alone.
That HE who’s always been there with us before, will sure be with us too in the hours, days and years ahead.