Making : Colourful caterpillars and Beard Men
It was all rather unplanned actually.
A few mommies and their preschoolers came over to watch Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf DVD – the ballet version (which I personally find very good! Highly recommended!)
Then after lunch, it rained so heavily. It was pouring. With thunder storms too! (The weather’s just been VERY wet lately)
And so rather than getting ourselves and the kids stuck on the sofa in front of the TV for too long, we went and did some crafting! (Vai was fast asleep at the time, so the timing was just perfect!)
And we made colourful caterpillars!
What we used:
>> Long balloons (as the body)
>> Crepe paper
>> Scissors, straws, scotch tape, markers
We pumped the balloons up. Then the kids twisted the balloons while the mommies tie some crepe paper on each twisted part.
We cut the straws, used two parts of it as the antennas and stuck them on the ‘head’ part with a scotch tape.
And the final touch. We drew the eyes and the mouth using our black marker.
And oh, the kids made faces with white beards too (like the one Anya and I made earlier this month!)
You see. It’s always been just me and Anya during our crafting sessions. And to have our friends and their kids around on a day like today just doubles the fun!
It was nice!