Sunday’s Food for Thought – Beware of the kinds of exposure our children gets
What books or magazines do we read? What TV programmes do we often watch? What kinds of things and people do we expose ourselves (and our children) to everyday?
The kinds of people and society that surround us will somehow have an effect on us. Be it good or bad.
The thing is, we adults most likely have better judgements than little children, who easily and naively absorb everything that they see and hear. Like a sponge.
And frankly this is a rather scary thought for me.
Once Anya starts school next year, she’d be away from me for more than 3 hours each day, from Monday to Friday. And basically that will be the beginning of her formal school’s journey that will take place for many MANY years.
She’ll be exposed to people (and kids) from all walks of life, without me next to her immediately explaining why things happen the way they happen in front of her.
I continually pray for God’s wisdom so that I can ‘prepare’ her as best as I can before she ‘steps’ out into the world next year. Laying down as best a ‘foundation’ as I can.
Thing is, I’m so far from perfect. And I know that although I’m at home with them, raising and educating them myself, I can never prepare my kids ‘well enough’. I can’t ‘protect’ and guard my kids from outside influences 24/7.
And that’s why I’m just so very glad that GOD is always with them.
Watching over them.
“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
1 Corinthians 15:33