Making : Queen Anya
Last week, I introduced the Bible character, Esther, to Anya. Basically I emphasised to her how Queen Esther helped a lot of people and how when she knew about the truth, she went and told the King about the truth.
A whole lot more values can be learned from her actually. I just shared with Anya the simplified version. For now.
Since we’re learning about Queen Esther, we made a crown and Anya then became ‘Queen Anya’!
What we used:
>> Green paper carton
>> Glue, scissors
>> Coloured styrofoams (the ones Anya made 2 weeks ago)
I cut out the green paper carton, put it on Anya’s head to make sure it fits before glueing the two ends and cutting the top, making it all spiky.
I then cut the styrofoams into smaller bits. They’re supposed to be the crown’s ‘jewels’, you see. Hehe.
Anya did all the glueing and pasting.
She sure was a happy little Queen.
AND, it made our learning so much fun and more easily ‘remembered’ too!