Vai : Starting solids
Vai had his very first solids today.
He’ll be six months in eight days and I do notice that he’s been asking for more frequent feeding at night time these past few days, which most likely indicates his readiness for something more than just mommy’s milk.
And so he had his first few tiny spoonfuls this morning. He had Heinz Baby’s First Rice Cereal, mixed with some expressed breastmilk (the exact same way Anya had her first solids).
He frowned, squirmed a bit and gave me funny looks.
He’ll have his meal just once a day for now and we’ll try again tomorrow.
(Click here to watch a video on how to introduce your baby to solids)
Oh, btw, as much as I want to always mix Vai’s cereals with breastmilk (well, until he’s introduced to formula milk, that is), I really do find it troublesome to always pump just before his every single meal.
And the thought of sterilising the breast pumps (or even expressing by hand) is just TOO time-consuming.
So this is what I did this morning.
I pumped some (about 120ml), used some of it and mixed it with Vai’s cereal. I then poured the remaining into an ice cube tray. I used a Tupperware one as it comes with a cover. I then put the tray in the freezer.
This way, the expressed milk is frozen and whenever I need some, I’ll just use the cubes and thaw them accordingly.
And in terms of whether it’s okay to freeze and thaw your breastmilk, websites, books and doctors say that it actually is completely fine (though of course it’s always best to immediately feed your baby once the milk is pumped).
Anyway. We’ll see how Vai takes his thawed milk and cereal tomorrow.